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 Cheat Pool Live Tour 2013 Update

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Cheat Pool Live Tour 2013 Update  Empty
PostSubyek: Cheat Pool Live Tour 2013 Update    Cheat Pool Live Tour 2013 Update  Icon_minitimeFri Feb 08, 2013 3:28 pm

Cheat Pool Live Tour 2013 Update

Cheat Pool Live Tour 2013 Update  Images

Cheat Pool Live Tour is professional sports tour created in 2005 by Kevin Trudeau and hosted by Rebecca Grant. It aims to increase the pool (pocket Billiards) level of other modern sports. Closely modeled on the PGA Tour, the IPT offered the biggest prize fund in the history of pool in the first year.

The tour has attracted the top players in the world indoor. It is also different from the nine-ball tournaments that much, as all IPT events are eight ball games / 8ballruler. The company is based in Hinsdale, Illinois.

Many outdoor enthusiasts who initially was skeptical, but the first successful event, and at that time was the largest tournament in the history of Billiards. But at the end of 2006, a tour of the serious financial problems and was forced to stop staging major tournaments.

ou know what 8BallRuler is I will give you a brief explanation a bit. 8BallRuler is an application which helps the user to aim more accurately and even helps users to make the most difficult images by reflection.

In the game, users play against other users who are online around the world. It has got a 12 level fun limited. pool fans and players have to play this game.

Download cheat pool live tour 2013 (8ball ruler)
- download and install
- after install using the desktop shortcut
- press W to switch to reflector
- press F1 to see the shortcuts
- press f12 to see the settings
- right click the ruler and move you mouse to rotate and aim the ruler
- press E to add new list
- press Q to reset the ruler

Download Cheat Pool Live Tour :

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